How to text someone who blocked you on iPhone

How to Text Someone who Blocked you on iPhone  -A Complete Guide

If someone is annoying you or you are constantly badgered with annoying spam calls, you can easily block those callers on your iPhone. This feature will stop the blocked caller from ever calling and messaging you on your iPhone. However, when the tables are reversed and you are on the receiving end of blocking, then it is a very irritating feeling. Especially if you are trying to go through a person and want to share something really important, but you cannot. And the most obvious conclusion for this is that the other person blocked you. So, if you really want to go through and contact someone who blocked you, then this guide is for you. Here we will share with you all the tricks on how to text someone who blocked you on iPhone.

Can you text someone who blocked you on iPhone?

We know that if a number is blocked, then that person can never call you. You won’t receive any notifications from that person. The same also goes for text messages, and you won’t receive any message from that person. And the person will only receive a not delivered notification.

Here we are going to first learn whether you are actually blocked by someone or not. Then we will find out how to text someone who has blocked you on iPhone.

What happens when you text someone who blocked you on your iPhone?

Your sent text messages on iMessage will never be received by the person who blocked you. The message will leave from your iMessage on your end, but it will not be delivered. And you won’t even get the “Delivered” notification that usually would. This doesn’t mean that when your message doesn’t get delivered to the recipient, you are blocked by them.

Other reasons why the message could not be sent include a poor network connection, the phone being turned off, and so on. So, don’t come to any quick conclusions if your message doesn’t go through.

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How to text someone who blocked you on iPhone – Methods

Now that you know what happens when you are blocked by someone on your iPhone, how would you contact that person? How would you text that person if you want to share something very important? In such cases, there are a few tricks that you could try. However, you should remember unless it is something very critical, you should respect the boundaries of the person who blocked you.

Method 1:  Use a new email ID for iMessage

iMessage and text messages are slightly different things on your iPhone. An iMessage requires an internet connection to send or receive messages on your iPhone, and text messages require cellular networks.

In your case, you can change your existing email ID with one the person that blocked you doesn’t know about. So, to learn how to text someone who blocked you on iPhone, follow the steps below:

  • Open your iPhone’s Settings app.
  • Tap on Messages > Send & Receive.
  • Next, under the “You can be reached by iMessage at,” tap on the “Add another email” option.
  • Then add your email address and verify it.
  • After the verification process is complete, choose the new email address under the “Start new conversation from” option on iMessage.

Method 2: Send a text message from other messaging apps

When someone blocks you on your iPhone, you don’t get automatically blocked from social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Snapchat, etc. These platforms have their own blocklist where you have to use the app to block someone. So, chances are if someone blocked you on your iPhone, hasn’t blocked you on social media platforms. You can then try sending messages to that person from social platforms that they are active on.

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How to know if someone blocked you on iPhone – 3 Methods

There is no straightforward answer to this question. You don’t get any notifications when you are blocked by someone. So, you cannot confirm whether you are blocked by that person unless you try a few tricks to find out. There are a number of methods you could use to know if someone blocked you on iPhone.

Method 1: Make a call

The first trick is the obvious one. You usually suspect that you are blocked when your call doesn’t go through. However, there could be a number of other reasons for that. So, to confirm whether you are blocked, you could try listening for the number of rings your call makes and how fast it goes to voicemail.

You see, when you call an unblocked number, you’ll hear anywhere between three to twelve rings before getting a voicemail prompt. In contrast, if the phone is switched off or the person is on another call, you’ll call will directly go to voice mail without any rings.

For blocked phone numbers, you’ll listen to one ring, and the call will go to voicemail. Though you can answer the voicemail, it will never reach the recipient. Also, sometimes you’ll receive a prerecorded message that claims the number is unavailable. If the number can be reached by other phones, then you are most certainly blocked. However, if the person has enabled Do Not Disturb, then your call might be cut off after one ring.

Method 2: Try to send a text message

When you send a text message on your iPhone, you typically receive two notifications underneath them. It is either “Delivered” or “Read,” where the former means that your message has been received by the recipient but has not read it yet. And the latter means that the recipient has read your message.

So, if you are blocked by someone, you won’t get either of those notifications. And the bottom of your messages will remain blank. However, this is not a full-proof method as there could be other reasons why your messages didn’t get delivered, like poor connection or phone being turned off.

Method 3: Make a Call with another phone number

This is the simplest and yet the best method to know whether someone blocked you on iPhone. You could borrow someone’s phone or any other phone that the person you are trying to reach wouldn’t know about and make a call. If you can reach the person who blocked your number with some other number, then you are definitely blocked.

Here’s how to know if someone blocked you on iMessage?

The above three methods also apply in this case. If someone blocks you on their iPhone, you’ll definitely be blocked from iMessage. So, try using any one of the three methods mentioned to check whether you are blocked or it is just a case of a poor connection. Be hundred percent sure before making any hasty decision.

Can you leave a voicemail if your number is blocked?

Yes, you can leave a voicemail to a number that blocked you. However, your message won’t get delivered, and the other person won’t get any notifications about it. Also, you won’t receive any notifications that your number has been blocked by the other person.

If someone blocks you, can you still see their location?

It depends; if the person who blocked you on your iPhone has been on your Find My Friends app, then you can still view their current location as iPhone’s location-sharing app is not affected by blocking. However, if the person who blocked withdraws their permission to see their location, then you cannot view their location.

To see whether the person who blocked you is still sharing their location on your iPhone, open the Find Myapp and go to the People tab. If that person is still there, then you can see their location. If you don’t find that person, then you cannot see their location.

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